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Improving quality, access and equity in Kenya’s maternal health systems


Over the last 10 years, Kenya’s government has made strides in advancing equity and access in maternal and infant health by providing free maternity care in government hospitals. 85% of the poorest women receive care in Kenya’s public hospitals.

However, maternal and newborn mortality remains amongst the highest in the world, driven by a twin challenge impacting ~90% of all maternal deaths: delays in care seeking and gaps in the management of labor and delivery.

Our Partnerships
Since 2016, Jacaranda Health has partnered with local governments, frontline nurses, and communities to improve maternal and newborn health outcomes in public hospitals, where the majority of underserved mothers and babies receive care.  
We partner with the National Ministry of Health local governments in 22 of Kenya’s busiest counties, who co-own our interventions, and work with us to design what and how we measure impact for effective decision-making. These partnerships have helped us reach 2.4 million women with our solutions across 1,100+ health centers and hospitals, and will continue to be the cornerstone of how we approach the path to national scale in Kenya.
Our vision of an “end game” at scale is our government partners leading and sustainably financing cost-effective innovations in the public health system.

We support county governments to co-own and co-finance our solutions, as a pathway to long-term sustainability. Over the last seven years, Jacaranda has earnt increasing government recognition and buy-in by proving its solutions can deliver impact on government health priorities and by routinely sharing data that helps them do more with their resources.

Affordable for Governments

Kenyan county governments cover 65% of the costs for the MENTORS program

Endorsed by Governments

Jacaranda’s model of care has been endorsed by national government

Embedded within National Standards of Care

Jacaranda’s accredited EmONC modules have been incorporated into the National Mentorship curricula.

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Snapshot of Scale and Impact


mothers reached

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skilled nurse champions

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partner health facilities


county government partners

Breadth and Depth
in Kenya

We aim for broad scale in Kenya, but also recognize that every pregnancy journey is different, depending on where the mother is and the robustness of the systems that support her. Our research and data is helping us understand and adapt solutions based on specific contextual challenges impacting maternal and newborn health outcomes in different parts of Kenya.

Stories from the Field

 Blogs, case studies, and technical resources around our work in Kenya.

Adapting a simple blood tracking tool to help health providers and managers understand not only whether a facility is short of blood stock, but also why....
Three things we’ve learnt, and continue to learn, about making client-reported data actionable from PROMPTS and other tools that Jacaranda has developed....
The first day of IMNCH 2023 presented three country case studies for SDR in Kenya, Tanzania and South Africa, led by panelists Sathy Rajasekharan, Caitlin Dolkart, Sunday Dominico, and Keith...
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